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Human Resource
Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee(ICC) under sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013
In recognition of outstanding performance in implementation of Official Language policy in the workplace during 2014-15, India Govt. Mint, Noida has been awarded second prize by TOLIC, NOIDA. Sh. G.P. Agrawal, General Manager, IGM Noida received the prestigious award from Chairman, TOLIC NOIDA during a function held at National Institute of Biological on 11th February, 2016 at Noida.
On the occasion of completion of 25 years of Service dedicated to the Nation, First edition of the Annual Home Magazine “Mudravani – 2014” was published. The magazine was released on 30.09.2014 by the General Manager, India Govt. Mint Noida. The officers and employees of the Noida Mint participated enthusiastically and contributed with their articles, stories, poem etc. For Mudravani – 2014 please click on the link given below:
To ensure the right quality and proper composition of metals of the coin blanks received form sister units and the outside sources from India and abroad, India Government Mint, Noida has installed and commissioned a ‘SPECTRO MIDEX” with S No. SPECTRO-12001622 of Make: Spectro Analytical Instrument GmbH Germany on 31.01.2014 in Research and Development Section of the Unit. This facility will certainly help the unit in maintaining the quality of the metal coins and material used in the coin production.’
- Vigilance Circular No 09/16 Vigilance Clearance Certificate of Foreign Official Tour Cases reg
- Vigilance Circular No 08/16 Vigilance Clearance Certificate of Retirement Cases reg
- Committee constituted to consider and redress complaints of Sexual Harassment in India Government Mint, Noida
- Vigilance Clearance Certificate for foreign visit
- EPF Trust FAQ
- Prompt and timely action on furnishing of details/reply to the Vigilance Department
- Minutes of the SPMCIL HR Conference held in New Delhi on 22nd and 23rd August 2013.
- MoS implementation status as on 31.08.2013.
- Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of Corporate HR with SC/ST and OBC representative
- Company appointed employees working hours
CSR Initiatives
• Contribution made towards Prime Minister National Relief Fund for Uttarakhand disaster amounting to `1.00 crore.
• Contribution made to Bihar Chief Minister Relief Fund towards relief and rehabilitation activities in the Cyclone “Phailin” amounting to `50.00 lacs.
• Contribution made to Odisha Chief Minister Relief Fund towards relief and rehabilitation activities in the Cyclone “Phailin” amounting to `50.00 lacs.
- Project of Plantation of trees near Narmada belt for Environment protection at Hoshangabad (MP) has been taken up at a total cost of ` 1.19 crore, out of which ` 50.00 lacs have been spent during the year 2012-13 and `33,14,445/- during the year 2013-14.
2. Provided rain water harvesting system in 1/3 covered area of BNP, Dewas office building at a cost of `23,00,000/-.
3. Provided electrostatic oil filtration machine in coining presses, blanking presses and PPL system at IGM, Mumbai at a cost of `15,46,944/- under Sustainable Development
SPMCIL has carried out MSME Training at Ni-MSME, Hyderabad on 11th & 12th July, 2013 and a sum of `2,69,805/- have been spent
• SPMCIL has carried out training programme with Ni-MSME Hyderabad for 50 MSME Personnel during this year at a cost of Rs. 2.63 lacs.
- Project regarding Plantation of trees near Narmada belt for Environment protection at Hoshangabad (MP) has been taken at a total cost of Rs. 1.19 crore, out of which Rs. 50.00 lacs have been spent during the year 2012-13 .
• SPMCIL has also constructed 10 Nos girls toilet in Sagar and Gosaba and one toilet in girls hostel at Kakdwip, West Bengal at a total cost of Rs. 23.00 lacs during this year.
• SPMCIL has provided Solar Lighting System in the 4 (four) villages of Hoshangabad District at a cost of `6,97,160/-.
• SPMCIL has provided Solar LED Street Lighting at IGM, Kolkata at a cost of `20,73,273/- under Sustainable Development.
• SPMCIL has provided Solar Lamp at Mallupura Hoshangabad District of MP at a cost of Rs. 1.23 lacs.
• SPMCIL has provided drinking water facility to village Muduka near Dewas (MP) at a cost of Rs. 547,000/-.
• SPMCIL has also provided drinking water facility to Adhartirath Adharashram near Trambkashwar District Nashik Maharashtra at a cost of Rs. 10.83 lacs.
• SPMCIL has also provided drinking water facility in 4 villages namely Chhitapura, Bhatana, Jalikhera and Chatua of Kesla Block of District Hoshangabad (MP) at a total cost of Rs. 16.00 lacs.
• SPMCIL has undertaken comprehensive repair of approach road from BNP Radhaganj gate to Bhopal Chouraha alongwith road side amenities including Land Scaping at Dewas (MP) at a cost of Rs. 59.71 lacs through CPWD.
• Additional work regarding improvement of road side amenities for road connecting U.S. Gymkhana, ISP with Nashik Pune Highway and Jail road side at Nashik has also been undertaken at a cost of Rs.19.00 lacs through Divisional Commissioner Nashik.
• SPMCIL has provided 16 Seater Bus for visually impaired children to Sahyog Vishesh Aawasiya Vidyalaya Hoshangabad (MP) at a cost of Rs. 9.15 lacs.
• As a part of CSR initiatives SPMCIL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Bharti Foundation on 19.10.2010 to promote education in the backward areas with special focus on girl child. As per MoU, land was provided by Bharti Foundation and SPMCIL constructed 9 (Nine) Primary Schools in the District Murshidabad of West Bengal. SPMCIL has also provided necessary funding for furniture and equipment to facilitate quality education. SPMCIL has incurred an expenditure of `102.52 lacs, `293.19 lacs, `102.25 lacs and `7.38 lacs during the year 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively.
• As on date 1601 students are studying in the schools in Pre-Primary, Class I, II & III comprising of 51.19% girls and 48.81% boys.
• SPMCIL has provided Mobile VAN for Rural Health Services in Raigad District of Maharashtra through Indian Red Cross Society amounting to `15.00 lacs, out of which a sum of `7,50,000 was incurred during 2012-13 and `7,19,733/- during 2013-14.
• SPMCIL has provided 4 Nos. food distribution vehicles at Medak (AP) to Akshaya Patra Foundation at a cost of `27,01,800/- in Hoshangabad District.
• SPMCIL has provided aids and appliances to the disabled persons through ALIMCO, Kanpur at a cost of `15,15,137/-.
• SPMCIL has provided Financial Assistance for 500 Nos. of polio effected children through Narayan Sewa Sansthan, Udaipur at a cost of `17,00,000/-.
• SPMCIL has provided Ultra Sound Scanner to Rama Krishna Mission Rajahmundry East Godavari District of (AP) at a cost of Rs. 27.00 lacs.
• SPMCIL has also provided Mobile VAN for rendering of health service in the rural area through Indian Red Cross Society Mumbai at a cost of Rs.15.00 lacs. Out of ` Rs. 15 lacs a sum of Rs. 7.50 lacs has already been released during the year 2012-13 and balance amount will be spent during 2013-14.
INDIA GOVERNMENT MINT NOIDA dedicates itself to Nature Protection.
We Pledge to Continuously Improve the Surroundings and to maintain Ecological Balance by reducing all kinds of Pollutants, Recycling Waste and Optimising the use of Natural Resources.
We shall Impart Training to all Towards Environmental Improvements.
We commit to be a Socially Accountable Corporate Citizen and Shall Contribute and Inspire all towards Energy Conservation and To Be a Total Eco Friendly Organisation.
CVO's Corner
- Message of Honble President of India
- Message of Honble Vice President of India
- Message of Honble Prime Minister of India
- Message of Honble Home Minister
- Message of Honble Defence Minister
- Message of Minister fisheries, Animal Husbandry Dairying
- Message of Environment, Forest, Climate Change and Labour and Employment
- Message of Minister of Civil Aviation
- Message Minister of State Independent Charge
- Message of Minister of Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- Message of Minister of Culture, Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region
- Message of Rural Development and Panchyati Raj
- Message of Minister of Power and Minister of New and Renewable Energy
- Message of Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Housing and Urban Affairs
- Message of Minister of State Independent Charge
- Message of Minister of Minority Affairs
- Message of CVC
- Message of CMD, SPMCIL
- Message of CVO, SPMCIL
- Message of Honble President
- Message of Honble Vice President
- Message of Honble Prime Minister
- Message of Honble Home Minister
- Message of Ministerof State -Independent Charge
- Message of Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- Message of Ministerof State Ayush -Independent Charge
- Message of Ministry of Environment and Information Broadcasting
- Message of Minister of Law and Justice
- Message of State Labour and Employment
- Message of Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas
- Message of Railway and Commerce and industry
- Message of Minister of State Shipping
- Message of Minister of Power New and Renewable Energy
- Message of Ministry of Planning
- Message of Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment
- Message of Central Vigilance Commission
- Message of CMD, SPMCIL
- Message from Hon ble President of India
- Message from Hon ble Vice President of India
- Message from Hon ble Home Minister
- Message from Minister of law and justice
- Message from MoS IC for Power and New and Renewable Energy
- Message from Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs
- Message from Human Resource Development
- Message from Minister of State Labour and Employment
- Message from Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- Message from Cabinet Secretary
- Message from CMD, SPMCIL
RTI Compliance
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
FAAs, PIOs and APIO of SPMCIL Corporate Office
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
(i) The particulars of its organization., functions and duties;
(ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees;
(iii) The procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channels of supervision and accountability.
(iv) The norms set for the discharge of its functions.
(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by mint or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.
(vi) A statement of categories of documents that are held by it or under its control.
(vii) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.
(viii) A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.
(ix) A directory of officers and employees.
(x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in the Company regulations.
(xi) The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made
(xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programs including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programs.
(xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits, authorizations granted by it.
(xiv) Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form. For information reduced in electronic form, please visit website
(xv) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.
(xvi) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.
(xvii) Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter update these publications every year.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
India Government Mint, D-2,Sector-1, Noida 201301 , Gautam Budha Nagar, UP is the only Mint established in the post-independence era. This is the fourth Mint in the country. In order to fill the gap between demand and supply of coins in the country, Government of India decided in the year 1984 to establish a new mint project at Noida with the estimated annual production capacity of 2000 million pieces of coins. The project was started by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs in January’1986 with an estimated budget of Rs.30 Crore. It was completed within the scheduled time and the Mint started regular production from Ist July, 1988. This Mint produced the stainless steel coins in the country for the first time. After corporatization, the Mint is functioning as one of the Units of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited since 13.1.2006. Apart from meeting the indigenous demand, the Mint has produced coins for other countries also e.g. Thailand and Domenic Republic during past years. To meet increasing demand of coins, the Mint has started producing coins in the night shift also from April’2012.
To excel in development and production of cost effective high quality security production of international standards.
• Improvement in work culture.
• Bringing in efficiencies for manufacturing cost effective products.
• Utilizing spare capacity for production of diversified products to avoid idle time.
• Change in production patterns so as to exploit technology advancement.
• Meeting fully the requirement of Central Government and State Governments for security products and
Currency and coin indents of RBI.
• Exploration of new business opportunities.
• Achieve cost effectiveness and move towards creation of Profit centers.
• Improvement in quality of products.
• Change in the production patterns.
• Indigenization of inputs, specially security paper and ink.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
The Powers of company officials are well defined at all levels in the organization. The duties are assigned from time to time in the Company. The powers and duties of the officers and employees of India Govt. Mint, Noida are in line with the job and functional requirements. :–
Head of Department:
S. No. | Name of Officer S/SH. | Designation | Responsibility | Phone Number |
1 | Shri Durgesh Pati Tiwari | Chief General Manager | Head and Over-all in Charge | 0120-4783116 FAX- 0120-2537609 |
Technical Operations Department:
S. No. | Name of Officer S/SH. | Designation | Responsibility | Phone Number |
1 | Shri Ravinder Singh | Joint General Manager (T.O.) | Responsible for function as Head Technical Operations, Nominated as Factory Manager under Factories Act, 1948 and Chairman, Works Committee | 0120-783102 |
2 | Shri Hitesh Tanwar | Manager (TO) | Responsible for Civil, Vigilance Coordination, Nominated as Safety Officer, Excise Label Project, Bullion Operations & Marketing, Coin Blanks, Coin Management and Sale Counter Operations | 0120-4783108 |
3 | Shri Nitish Upadhyay | Manager (T.O.) | Responsible for Electronics (Factory, Township & CISF), R&D, Quality Assurance, OSM, Pump House, Compressor Maintenance, ISO Certification & Compliances, Excise Adhesive Label Project, Die shop, Capex Monitoring | 0120-4783117 |
4 | Shri Amit Singh | Manager (T.O.) | Responsible for Coining, Counting, Excise Label Project, Electrical maintenance of factory, Township & CISF, CCTV | 0120-4783117 |
Material Management Department:
1 | Shri Pankaj Khurana | Dy. General Manager (TO) | Responsible for all Procurement activities & Stores Management and act as Head-Material Management. | 0120-4783104 |
2 | Shri Sanjay Kumar Gupta | Assistant Manager (Material) | Responsible for all Procurement activities & Stores Management and act as Head-Material Management in absence of Dy. General Manager (TO) | 0120-4783117 |
Information Technology Department:
1 | Shri Lalit Verma | Dy. Manager (I.T.) | Responsible for all I.T. activities | 0120-4783110 |
Human Resource Department:
1 | Shri Prakash Kumar | Jt. General Manager (H.R) | Responsible for Responsible for HR operations as Head – Human Resources, Official Language Implementation, Industrial Relations & Union/Association Management, Projects under Corporate Social Responsibility, Security Co-ordination & General Administration, Recruitment, Training & Development, DPC Matters, Manpower Management, First Appellate Authority under RTI Act 2005, Legal/Court Cases | 0120-4783107 |
2 | Ms. Renu Bala Bhasin | Dy. General Manager (H.R) | Responsible for Establishment Matters– Executives, Supervisors & Workers, Procurements related to HR & Admn. Stores Management (including vehicle), MIS & other reports, Medical Services, Attendance Management System, Contract Labour Management, Estate Officer/ Guest House Management, Act as Head-HR in the absence of Sh. Prakash Kumar, JGM (HR) | 0120-4783112 |
3 | Shri Hira Mani Suyal | Dy. Manager (O.L.) | Responsible for Rajbhasha implementation, Canteen Operations & Welfare, CISF Co-ordination, Employee Engagement Activities, CPIO under RTI Act 2005
| 0120-4783119 |
4 | Ms. Vaishnavi Sonkar | Assistant Manager (Legal) | Responsible for Legal Matters, Statutory Compliances, Inspection/Audit Co-ordination, Nodal Officer & APIO under RTI Act, Liaison Officer for SC, ST, OBC & PWDs. | 0120-4783119 |
Finance & Accounts Department:
1 | Smt. Anila Agrawal | Jt. General Manager (F&A) | Responsible for Function as Head Finance & Accounts Responsible for Finance Operations as Head-Finance & Accounts, Responsible for all Vendor Payment and Reconciliation, BRS of Payment and Collection Account. Inter Unit Reconciliation, Reconciliation of EMD & SD, CPWD account, GR/IR, SR/IR, Freight Clearing, All statutory compliances like TDS, TCS, GST Sales Tax, Sales invoices and customer reconciliation, MSTC account with action commission | 0120-4783105 |
2 | Smt. Hema | Dy. General Manager (F&A) | Responsible for Pay Roll, TA/DA, PF, Medical Payment, All employees GL Reconciliation, Balance Sheet, Budget & Costing of Coins, Maintenance of FAR with location and physical verification, Liaising with internal, Statutory and C&AG Audit and reply of audit observations, TEC member for Procurement, Act as Head – Finance in absence of Smt. Anila Agrawal, JGM (F&A) | 0120-4783151 |
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)Overall management of the Company is vested with the Board of Directors of the Company, which is the highest decision making body within the Company. As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 certain matters require the approval of the shareholders of the Company in General Meeting. The Board of Directors is accountable to the shareholders of the Company. India Government Mint Noida being a Unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India a Public Sector Enterprise (SPMCIL), the Board of Directors of the Company is accountable to the Government of India.
The company has well defined systems with respect to decision-making process. Generally, the proposals requiring decisions are initiated at the appropriate level of the executive, depending upon the nature with regard to financial implication, urgency, and importance of the matter.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)PMCIL enters into an MOU with the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India every year. The MOU contains the performance criteria on which performance of the corporation is evaluated at the end of the year. The MOU also indicates targets and comparative weights for each performance criteria. The performance evaluated at the end of the year is done on a five-point scale, 1 representing ‘Excellent’ & 5 representing‘Poor’.
The Company has achieved ‘Excellent’ MOU rating for three years in succession.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
The company has formulated the rules for conduct of business in the company. Major guiding documents are listed below: • Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association of the Company • Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules • Procurement Manual. • Personnel Policy Documents. • Handbook on vigilance matters. • Accounts Manual. • Internal Audit Manual. |
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
The various categories of documents that are being held by the Company or under its control are given below:
(A) Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company
(B) Books of Accounts maintained by the Company
(C) Annual Returns and Statutory Registers under the Companies Act, 1956
(D) Annual Reports of the Company
(F) Documents pertaining to establishment matters
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Being a commercial organization, India Government Mint, Noida does not have any arrangement for consultation with members of the public in formulation of its policies or implementation thereof. However, all its policies are formulated in compliance with provisions of applicable statutes, regulations, guidelines, etc.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Meetings of the Boards, Committees and other bodies are not open to the Public and the minutes of such meetings are not made accessible to public in view of the nature of business of the Company.
Head of Department:
S. No. | Name of Officer S/SH. | Designation | Phone Number |
1 | Shri Durgesh Pati Tiwari | Chief General Manager | 0120-4783116 FAX- 0120-2537609 |
Technical Operations Department:
S. No. | Name of Officer S/SH. | Designation | Phone Number |
1 | Shri Ravinder Singh | Joint General Manager (T.O.) | 0120-783102 |
2 | Shri Hitesh Tanwar | Manager (TO) | 0120-4783108 |
3 | Shri Nitish Upadhyay | Manager (T.O.) | 0120-4783117 |
4 | Shri Amit Singh | Manager (T.O.) | 0120-4783117 |
Material Management Department:
1 | Shri Pankaj Khurana | Dy. General Manager (TO) | 0120-4783104 |
2 | Shri Sanjay Kumar Gupta | Assistant Manager (Material) | 0120-4783117 |
Information Technology Department:
1 | Shri Lalit Verma | Dy. Manager (I.T.) | 0120-4783110 |
Human Resource Department:
1 | Shri Prakash Kumar | Jt. General Manager (H.R) | 0120-4783107 |
2 | Ms. Renu Bala Bhasin | Dy. General Manager (H.R) | 0120-4783112 |
3 | Shri Hira Mani Suyal | Dy. Manager (O.L.) | 0120-4783119 |
4 | Ms. Vaishnavi Sonkar | Assistant Manager (Legal) | 0120-4783119 |
Finance & Accounts Department:
1 | Smt. Anila Agrawal | Jt. General Manager (F&A) | 0120-4783105 |
2 | Smt. Hema | Dy. General Manager (F&A) | 0120-4783151 |
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
The pay scales of officials are of CDA/IDA pattern. The monthly emoluments of officers, Supervisor and workmen at various grades of pay scale are given below:
(A)Executive Category
E-8 | Chief General Manager | 120000 – 280000 |
E-7 | General Manager | 100000 – 260000 |
E-6 | Additional General Manager | 90000 – 240000 |
E-5 | Joint General Manager | 80000 – 220000 |
E-4 | Dy. General Manager | 70000 – 200000 |
E-3 | Manager | 60000 – 180000 |
E-2 | Dy. Manager | 50000 – 160000 |
E-1 | Assistant Manager (Technical) Operation/Production/Safety/Purchase/Marketing/Finance/HR/IT etc.) | 40000 – 140000 |
S2/A2 | Senior Supervisor (Technical/R&D/HR/Bullion) | 29740-103000 (IDA), 35400-112400 (CDA) |
S1/A1 | Supervisor/Junior Hindi Translator/Executive Assistant (Technical/Operation/Production/Maintenance/Safety/Purchase/Marketing/Finance/HR/IT/R&D/Bullion etc) | 27600-95910 (IDA), 44900-142400 (CDA) |
W6 | Foreman | 35400-112400 (CDA) |
W5/B5 | Senior Operator/Senior Office Assistant/Bullion Accountant | 29200-92300 (CDA) |
W4/B4/M4 | Operator/Secretarial Assistant/Assistant Bullion Accountant/Office Assistant/Senior Canteen Assistant | 25500-81100 (CDA), 23910-85570 (IDA) |
W3/B3 | Senior Technician /Junior Office Assistant/Junior Bullion Assistant | 21700-69100 (CDA), 21540-77160 (IDA) |
W2/M2 | Technician/Attendant | 19900-63200 (CDA), 20590-73770 (IDA) |
W1/M1 | Jr. Technician/Junior Attendant | 18000-56900 (CDA), 18780-67390 (IDA) |
• Designations are illustrative depending on the Functional area the employee is working.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Not Applicable.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Not Applicable.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Not Applicable.
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Information reduced in electronic form, please visit website www. or for more details
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Information relating to Company profile, business, quarterly financial performance, Annual Reports, etc. is held by the company in electronic form and is available on the website of the company, i.e.
India Government Mint (A Unit of SPMCIL), Noida (Uttar Pradesh) | ||||||||||
India Government Mint, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
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- Latest
- Archive
Title | Unit | Publish Date | Closing Date | Download |
Empanelment of Advocates | INDIA GOVERNMENT MINT, NOIDA | 2025-03-07 16:02:00 | 2025-03-29 16:02:00 | |
Selection of empanelment of Inquiry Officers | India Government Mint Noida | 2024-09-26 09:57:00 | 2024-10-10 12:00:00 | |
Interview Result for the post of Consultant (Civil). | India Government Mint, Noida | 2024-09-14 10:51:00 | 2024-09-24 10:51:00 | |
Shortlisted candidates list for the post of Consultant (Civil) | India Government Mint Noida | 2024-09-02 17:34:00 | 2024-09-10 17:34:00 | |
Advertisement Notice for Empanelment of IOs | India Government Mint Noida | 2024-07-24 10:12:00 | 2024-08-24 10:12:00 | |
Engagement of Consultant (Civil) on contract basis | India Government Mint Noida | 2024-07-28 17:59:00 | 2024-08-20 17:59:00 | |
Result of Security Officer | India Government Mint Noida | 2024-06-24 09:00:00 | 2024-07-05 17:49:00 | |
Engagement of Security Officer on contract basis | Indian Government Mint Noida | 2024-05-11 09:00:00 | 2024-06-05 17:30:00 |
Title | Unit | Publish Date | Closing Date | Download |
Engagement of Consultant (Medical) on contract basis | Indian Government Mint Noida | 2024-05-11 | 2024-06-05 | |
Cancellation Notice for Advertisement dated 16.01.2024 | Indian Government Mint Noida | 2024-05-22 | 2024-06-22 | |
Engagement of retired Government Personnel as Consultant (Civil) and Security Officer on fixed term contract basis | Indian Government Mint Noida | 2024-01-16 | 2024-02-10 | |
Engagement of Medical Consultant | India Government Mint Noida | 2023-05-01 | 0000-00-00 | |
Engagement of Security Officer | India Government Mint Noida | 2023-05-01 | 0000-00-00 | |
Advt No. 02/2022: Engagement of One Consultant (IT) and One Consultant (Gold Trading/Hedging) | SPMCIL, Corporate Office, New Delhi | 2022-06-25 | 2022-08-27 |
Advt No. 02/2022: Engagement of One Consultant (IT) and One Consultant (Gold Trading/Hedging)