Dated on:- 01-10-2024 | |
In order to promote the progressive use of Hindi in due compliance with the Official Language Policy of the Union and to encourage all officers/employees towards the Official Language, Hindi Fortnight was organized from 14.09.2024 to 30.09.2024 on the occasion of Hindi Diwas at India Government Mint, Noida. this year, all the competitions were organized with creativity and innovation during Hindi Fortnight at India Government Mint, Noida, which included essay competition, typing competition, note drafting competition and official language knowledge competition. The closing ceremony of these competitions and the official language award distribution ceremony were held on 01.10.2024, in which the winning personnels of the competitions along with the Hindi incentive scheme for doing original work in Hindi were honored by the Chief General Manager and the eighth edition of in-house magazine o “Mudravani” was also released on this occasion. |